Maximum absorption of vitamins and minerals through IV infusion

Need treatment at home or office? Additional $100 for concierge treatment in Spokane County

Meyers Cocktail        110

World famous Meyer's Cocktail IV infusion combats fatigue and boosts energy, aids in detoxifying, improves immune function, helps reduce stress/anxiety, hydrates, replenishes critical electrolytes and so much more. 

Migraine and Pain    150

Treats migraines headaches and other sources of discomfort via a powerful anti-inflammatory ketorolac, ondansetron for associated nausea, and dexamethasone to prevent rebound headache. Rehydrates and replenishes with electrolytes and calms overall inflammation.

Hangover Cure        165

This can be a pre-emptive treatment prior to celebrating or to recover afterwards. Treats headaches, body aches, dehydration, GI upset, and overall discomfort associated with celebrating via a powerful anti-inflammatory ketorolac, ondansetron for associated nausea, famotidine for acid reflux, and dexamethasone to treat pain and calm inflammation. Rehydrates and replenishes with electrolytes and calms overall inflammation.

Glutathione              40/25

Known as the "Mother of All Antioxidants" by neutralizing free radicals, cleansing toxins, and interrupting anti-inflammatory and aging processes. 40 as a stand alone treatment; 25 add on to IV.

Vitamin C Infusion       10g/75 100g/100

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant necessary for the growth, development and repair of body tissues. It's involved in many body functions, including the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, immune system functionality, wound healing, and maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.

B12 Shot                  20

Essential nutrient not produced by the body and must comes from diet and supplementation. Combats fatigue and boosts energy by metabolizing food into glucose. Crucial to so many bodily processes; red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, metabolism, nerve conduction....